A Natural Way to Heal
I am an experienced Naturopathic Practitioner in Manchester and a firm believer in taking a holistic approach to healing. Through my practice, I strive to align patients and promote well-being in order to keep the mind, body and spirit healthy.
Are you looking to address the root causes, not just symptoms, reclaim your energy, and feel like yourself again?
I work with a wide range of health issues and provide support with the right foods, quality supplements, Bach flower essences, Homoeopathy, and Homeobotanicals to bring health, vitality, and well-being. I specialize in the area of Female health, the Digestive system, Chronic fatigue, weight loss, detoxification and cleansing programs, hormone imbalances, and restoring digestive system function.
As we work together, we will look at how your life affects you as a whole. My goal is to empower you to take charge of your health and longevity and to find a way that fits you, your schedule, and your health needs.
I value spending time with my clients and finding connections in order to begin the path of true healing. I also am a Chrysalis Effect referral Practitioner. I have been trained to support people with chronic fatigue conditions.

Hello, I am Irina Hammond, a Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, and Homoeopath.
My desire is to help you create radiant health and live a longer and happier life!
For the last 13 years, my passion has been teaching and helping people learn how to create radiant health, heal and reverse chronic disease, have a lean, fit body, endless energy, soaring confidence, and transform you into your personal best.
Along the way of the healing journey, the people I’ve worked with and helped have discovered true inner peace, love, joy, happiness, success, and bliss in all areas of their lives.
And nothing would give me greater pleasure than to help you attain this too!
Education is a life-long journey of expansion and self-transformation, not only through academics but also through self-learning, self-development, and life experiences. I have been very blessed to have many opportunities in my life to travel and to learn from a variety of health, nutrition, yoga, and fitness leaders. I also love to spend time reading about health, nutrition, psychology, and neuroscience.
Sharing what I learn and helping others is not only my passion but also a healing and growth experience as it allows me to connect with the mind, body, and spirit in this ongoing quest for becoming whole.
The initial consultation is to gain a detailed account of the person's condition, medical history, diet and lifestyle, and any treatments they take. Testing is a big part of my work, as it allows me to pinpoint the myriad imbalances driving your health issues. Your appointment can last up to 90 minutes to give me an opportunity to explore your symptoms and the reasons for them. You will be sent a welcome email with a comprehensive questionnaire and a 3-day diet diary. You need to email these back by the day before, together with any additional information, such as your blood test results.
If you would like support on your existing plan before your next review, you can book a 15-minute Interim Consultation
Follow-up appointments usually last 30-45 minutes and are generally scheduled after four weeks. However, your journey is individual to you, so precise timescales will be agreed upon together. If you would like longer than 30-45 minutes for a comprehensive review or for feedback on your test results, then please see the 1-hour follow-up session.
An initial consultation £120
30-45 minute Follow Up £80
1 Hour Follow Up £120
15-minute Interim Consultation £30
All appointments are remote via Skype or FaceTime.
Payment via online banking, paid in advance
The initial consultation lasts up to 90 minutes. This is your time to talk about your health and your life, which will help me understand how life’s journey has gotten you to where you are now.
To determine a treatment plan, I will consider all of the symptoms (physical, mental, or emotional) to prescribe a remedy. Homeopathic medicines can be prescribed in the form of liquid, granules, powder, or tablets.
I might also advise general lifestyle and dietary changes as part of a treatment plan.
A follow-up appointment approximately 4 - 6 weeks later will be arranged to assess how you have responded to the medicine.
An acute consultation can be required to alleviate acute symptoms that have arisen between consultations.
Initial consultation £90
Follow-up £75
Acute appointment £35 up to 25 minutes
Remedy cost £7.50 included P&P
Payment via online banking paid in advance.
All appointments are remote via Skype or FaceTime.
Homeobotanicals are a powerful synergy of organic herbs in liquid form, potentized homeopathically. This therapy can be used in conjunction with any other form of healing technique to enhance vitality and accelerate recovery.
30ml bottle £25 plus P&P

Everybody holds the key to their own healing, but sometimes the body needs a little help. That’s where my services come in. As an experienced Naturopathic Practitioner, I work with you to restore your balance and find your centre.

Naturopathic Nutrition aims to promote health and restore well-being through appropriate nourishment by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual.
Poor diet, stress, pollution, poor sleep, a lack of exercise, and the impact of a busy life all combine to deplete vital nutrients and energy. This disrupts the internal balance and leaves you vulnerable to dysfunction in the body.
I take a detailed health history, including your family health history, medications, exercise patterns, stress levels, and dietary and lifestyle habits.
My aim is to unravel your health history and your individual biochemistry to get to the underlying root cause of symptoms and conditions.
Further investigation through diagnostic testing, may be required. I often work with Comprehensive digestive stool analysis, Dutch Complete adrenal and Sex hormone testing, SIBO testing, Allergy and Intolerance testing, Thyroid testing, Organic acid testing, Cyrex Autoimmunity testing, Cardiometabolic testing, and Mitochondrial dysfunction.
A treatment plan may involve one or more of a broad range of therapeutic modalities, including many different dietary interventions, lifestyle changes, and nutraceuticals. A food-first approach emphasising nutrition is essential to the practice of Naturopathic medicine.

Homeobotanicals and HomeoHerbals are powerful, synergistic blends of organic, wild-crafted herbs in liquid form, diluted and potentised homeopathically, and selectively chosen to target specific organs and systems of the body. They are gentle, reliable, and natural.
The remedies assist in cleaning out our body of all toxins ingested, inhaled, and absorbed, leaving our body capable of functioning more efficiently.
Physical action of the remedies includes organ drainage, detoxification, assisting assimilation of minerals and micronutrients, aiding nutrition, and improving the body’s natural immune system
Synergistic actions are a Core therapy, which means that they can be used to maintain balance within the body and can enhance any other healing technique, such as Homoeopathy.
The Dynamic action arises from the Homoeopathic potentization of the herbs, which enables each blend to stimulate healing within the body in a gentle and sustained way, making them suitable for even the most sensitive of people.
Homeobotanicals are not Herbal medicine or Homeopathy but rather a unique combination of these two healing modalities that work on both physical and vibrational energies.
Homeobotanicals are produced in clean, green New Zealand. HomeoHerbals are almost completely vegan.
Homeobotanical remedies help relieve the symptoms of many conditions including Asthma Respiratory conditions Cold & Flu Coughs Infections Stress Sleep issues Fatigue Brain fog Insomnia Migraine Headaches Digestive issues Food intolerances/Allergies PMS Fertility Menopause Mood swings Rheumatic Arthritis Inflammation Skin issues
Homeopathy was developed in Germany more than 200 years ago by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. It is believed that a substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people can cure similar symptoms in sick people; this doctrine is called "like cures like." Homeopathic preparations are termed remedies and are made using homeopathic dilution. In this process, the selected substance is repeatedly diluted until the final product is chemically indistinguishable from the diluent.
The homeopath may give them coffee in the form of a homeopathic remedy, which may enable them to calm down and sleep naturally. Similarly, cutting up onions can cause tears, sore eyes, and a runny nose-which many hay fever sufferers may recognise! The remedy Allium cepa (the homeopathic derivative of the common onion) may help people experiencing the symptoms of hay fever if their symptoms match. Homeopathy is a natural medical system that uses safe medicines that have no toxic side effects.
Homeopathy can help with the most common conditions that people seek treatment for Asthma, ear infections, hay fever, mental health conditions, such as depression, stress, and anxiety, allergies, food allergies, dermatitis, arthritis, high blood pressure
Homeopathic drainage therapy is also one of the best ways to promote the body`s natural process of detoxification. The remedies are capable of promoting the healing of the body’s own systems and the restoration of proper functioning to sluggish or overactive systems, enabling the body to reach a state of balance and health. Homeopathic remedies reinforce the body’s natural ability to remove toxins without harmful side effects.